Friday, April 8, 2011

Secure Email Project

I completed all of the secure email training. After completion of the training I proceeded to complete the Secure Email Project. Below is the screenshot of my Thunderbird inbox containing the digitally signed and encrypted email that Dr. Means sent.

My Thunderbird Inbox sub-folder containing both the encrypted email response as well as the digitally signed email response.
Take as an example, they have recently implemented their own secure encrypted email server for their clients. Within the article explains all the pro’s and con’s to utilizing secure encrypted email account such as, protecting you against identity fraud, eliminating the threats of stalkers monitoring your movements, and last but not least the secure encrypted email server that is mentioned within the article also will protect you against the FBI’s information gathering technology known as Carnivore.
The article also goes into detail about how to effectively utilize the secure encrypted email service that is provided by It discusses its new spam control / protection and it allowed-block list features provided by the company. has taken the leap to provide proper security for its client by making secure / encryption protected email server readily available. This project has opened my eyes to technological protection that is a must within the fats rising world of business computing.

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