Sunday, March 6, 2011

Support The Wounded Warrior Project

I was asked to create a presentation supporting a philanthropic organization and their efforts. Jones Co and Consulting chose to support The Wounded Warrior Project.
When I created this presentation I tried to format the work so that it had a logical flow. I started with a sentimental touching picture and a traditional patriotic compilation of Amazing Grace. From there I stated a “wow fact”. After the “wow fact” slide I stated a powerful quote pertaining to the situation and continued to discuss the history of The Wounded Warrior Project. Soon thereafter I had a slide describing the company’s mission and vision statement. After the mission and vision statement slide I had a slide discussing the many ways in which The Wounded Warrior Project helped the wounded warriors. After that slide I created a slide describing the different ways we as human beings can contribute to the Wounded Warrior Project, shortly followed up a by a contact information slide. I feel like it flowed well catching the audience’s attention off the bat and following up with a description of the company and what they do along with how the company helps the wounded warriors out and how we can get involved, followed up by a contact slide.
I could have improved this presentation by possibly answering and elaborating on a few more possible questions. During the slide discussing the history of The Wounded Warrior Project and the slide discussing the different ways to get involved I feel like I could have been a little more elaborative. There were a lot of information and potential questions that could have been covered. I felt like I covered the most important topic and potential questions though.
During the presentation I utilize a couple of wow facts in order to grab the attention of the audience as well as a quote pertaining to the topic that really stuck out. I also used some media “Audio” in order to capture the audience. During the presentation I asked one key question to spark the interest of the audience. I feel like the flow and organization of the presentations set the context and made the presentation clear and concise. All of my claims are validated within the source document. However I could have done a better job relaying that within the actual presentation. I avoided unreasonable claims. I also didn’t create too much clutter within the presentation. I did however read the quote off of one of my slides. All of my other slides somewhat outlined what I was actually talking about. I said it and then showed it.
Overall I really enjoyed this project. It really opened my eyes to copyright laws and gave me some up close personal experience dealing with the copyright laws. I utilized PowerPoint. Within PowerPoint I utilized slide transitions, along with adding pictures and audio, not only audio I created via PowerPoint but audio I downloaded from the public domain. I utilized Author Stream in order to upload the presentation. These are the majority of the skills I learned while completing this project.
The Wounded Warrior Project Presenation URL

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